
Indian Fruits

Being one of the largest countries and having one of the richest natural vegetation in the world, India is home to a numerous varieties of fruits. India is considered as the fruit and vegetables basket of the world and fruits can be found in every small place of the country. The Indian fruits have earned a lot of recognition and reputation for their wonderful taste all over the world. Some of the Indian fruits have also become one of the highest selling fruits in the international market.

India holds a unique position in production figures of fruits, among other countries. More than 90% of India`s exports of fresh products, including Indian fruits go to west Asia and East European markets. Mango (Mangifera indica) is the National fruit of India. Mango is one of the most widely grown fruits of the tropical countries and in India; Mango is cultivated almost in all parts, with the exception of hilly areas. The fruit, Mango is proved to be a rich source of Vitamins A, C and D. Mango is also the main exporting crop from India.

The Indian fruits can be classified in various categories like the juicy fruits, the solid fruits, etc. There is a huge international demand for certain Indian fruits and vegetable products. India ranks fifth in the world in cropped area under cultivation and production of potatoes. Most of the fruits available in India are native to the country. However, there are several others that have been brought to India from outside and then cultivated on a large scale. The fruits coming from outside have escaped and naturalized in the wild.
Though, there are numerous varieties of fruits found in India, there are only a few that can be identified as the most notable ones. Some of the most famous and popular Indian fruits include Mango, Jackfruit, Lakoocha, Cherimoya, Ata, Custard Apple, Soursop, Ramphal, Loquat, Ceylon Peach, Tamarind, Carambola, Bilimbi, Sour Orange, Sweet Lime, Calamondin, Citron, Wood-apple, Elephant Apple, White Sapote, Langsat, Bignay, Star Gooseberry, Cashew Apple, Yellow Mombin, Lychee, Surinam Cherry, Karanda, Husk tomato, Tree tomato, etcAsian Vegetables: A Guide to Growing Fruit, Vegetables and Spices from the Indian Subcontinent